Monday 31 March 2008

Benifits of global warming

Global warming one of the most important issues of our time - here is my stance on the subject, I do believe global warming is partly or fully man made and am for stopping deforestation, recycling, an various other things but I am against raising taxes or significantly inconveniencing us now in order to protect future generations.

If what I know is correct some global warming is bound to happen its just the severity that we can reduce slightly ( and we should if we can to avoid a Venus like environment ) but for now lets look at the benefits that I can see from it (Not to imply that there are no negatives like the probable droughts and famines and wars). Tho personally I believe that this global warming will be just a mild one with waters rising just a few feet, which is quite insignificant, yes we will loose some land but allot of new land will be uncovered by the melting snow in Canada, Russia, etc, And we shall all enjoy warmer winters and nice Spanish summers. But for now lets look at some of the benefits of one of the worst possible outcomes. In a form of a list.

1: All the new jobs created, when the see levels rise allot of coastal cities will become submerged, big cities with large populations that wont just sit there and drown, new cities will have to be built on the new coastline or further inland, to rehouse the population hence allot off skilled labor will be needed ( Designers, Architects, Builders, Plumbers, and so on ) and you may ask who is going to pay them, well they themselves would, now undoubtedly there would be some laborers from cities and towns further inland, but lets not forget that the people that are moving are leaving their homes behind, which probably are most of their wealth so they could int really pay others from out of town, so allot of them would have too read and learn various triads, and with what they learn help their neighbors resulting in the increasing of the knowledge and skills of the general population.

2: Getting rid of the proverbial trash, people who are unwilling to learn or work, would have to get by in little shacks, and would probably slowly die out ( remember this wont happen in a week it would probably take decades ) and their presumably many children would then perhaps go get jobs from the people who are building houses and such hence contributing to society. And lets not forget all those people dying of disease in their flooded rotting homes ( I wont leve te houz in wich me mama birthed me ). This may seem somewhat cruel but notice I am not for killing people I am just for letting those to stupid to survive die and let evolution take its toll ( this does not include mentally challenged or crippled people which I presume would be taken care of by their working intelligent relatives) so the world might become a more social and nice place for people because everyone would need their neighbors help.

3: The Lessons learned, my final point is that people don't learn from the future we learn from the past, it took Europe two horrible world wars and who knows how many smaller skirmishes to realize that human life is slightly valuable and make all kinds of treaty's an conventions ( not to suggest that there warn t treaty's before but I presume that most of them too sprung from conflicts and at least for a while made relative peace but the WW2 treaty's I presume are the reason for the relative calm we have been experiencing for the last few decades ). So when the cities do become submerged people will probably try to develop new cleaner technology to prevent that from happening again and the shining contours of skyscrapers far off the coast will serve as a permanent reminder to us that we should uphold the climate treaty's and to take good care of our planet because it is fragile and so far its the only one we got.

Now in retrospective I should have made this post about the possible beneficial effects of strongly rising see levels, but I make the blog up as I go along and I am a rather slow writer with this little peace taking me the better part of two hours, it would be difficult for me to rewrite it, lets just say it was about that. If you would like to find out more google "benefits of global warming" and you should find some other reasons why it can be good. Remember where scientists can predict what will happen to the environment how we deal with it is up to us so the warmer climate might benefit us all just as nuclear power coud ( and it can ) even tho it was originally thout of as a bad thing.

Friday 28 March 2008

ID Cards

What is going on? I just don't understand, a few months ago we had a whole bunch of issues about government not taking good care of our personal information ( I currently live in the UK ) and every tv channel was saying that this is a huge blow to the ID scheme with I think the largest percent of people agreeing that it is not needed and some even saying how harmful it would be. And now barely any time has passed between then and now and the government announced that its going trough with the scheme.

How can they do this, the government sais it wants it, the people say they don't, when did it become what the government wants against what the people want, shouldn't the government be representing the people not dictating to them in a democracy?

Its not that I am against the ID system that much I wouldn't care that much government knows everything they want to know anyway and I don't really have anything to hide, but still with such a large amount of people disagreeing with them and them still pushing forward with it why are the people letting this happen ( first the European constitution treaty thing, and now this ) why do we just sit there and let them dictate to us when we should be dictating to them?

If you want to learn more about the subject or want to make your voice herd here is a link to a site that is opposing it Tho personally I wont bother doing anything I certainly hope that everyone else will, so !!! To Arms My Comrades Let Us Annihilate This Horrid Menace!!!

Thursday 27 March 2008

My first post

Hello umm ok here I go, Why is humanity so annoyngly ignorant, I mean I do consider myself to be somewhat more intelligent than alot of people, and the problem is that I am not actually smart, I forget things quite often and I am not really good at anything so I can see that the vast majority of people could actually be smarter than me but they are not they are wilfully ignorant. I work in a factory so you can say I work with the avarige people and about 80% of them are ignorant buffoons they don't believe in evolution, they don't take interest in the current state of affairs in the world, all they care is what they will buy on the weekend and I believe that's a problem, yes survival is important I will not argue that you should think of how to put food in your and your families throat before considering weather the sun is a star or a planet ( actual argument I once had with 4 people at the dinner table ) but it is not survival if you are buying a new pair of shoes when you have 20 others, that would in my opinion be the time to start thinking about the more subtle questions in life like weather you are a monkey or a celestial being ( an argument I had more times than I can count ) and they do take interest in other things I have to give them credit for that ( they care extremely weather Britney spears is a good mother or not ( more the females ) or which unaffordable car can go the fastest ( more the mails )) but none the less why do people take such an interest in these things and not the current state of the economy. Now I realize that knowing that the sun is a star wont make any more difference than knowing Jenifer Lopez cup size, but still one cant help but wonder weather the person who knows just the first would be more intelligent than the person who knows just the second, even tho it takes up the same amount of storage in the brain to know both these facts. Sometimes it apears to me that people are naturally repelled from things that matter and would rather spend just as much time and resources to learn something absolutely irrelevant. I often catch myself doing the same thing, I start stumbling ( With stumble upon ) and I just bookmark the actual rellevent things like the new discoveries in science to come back to read them later which I nearly never do I have a backlog of maby 200 bookmarks I will spend many hours reading some stupid online comics. But what I cant understand is why, why do I shy away from things that actually interest me and stick with things that I will forget in a few minutes! I truly am trying to improve to increase my intelligence I am still relatively young (19) So perhaps I can still learn to prioritize things correctly. What also bothers me is that other people my age aren't bothering and they treat me like a fool when I tell them that they should take interest in more relevant subject because they are the masses the future is up to them!

Well that ends my first rant if you disagree with me please inform me of I enjoy fixing the flaws in my logic and there are still many, it is extremely hard to find them by your self and when they are pointed out to me I find it much easier to examine and correct them.